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To: lightwave@webcom.com
Subject: Re: Razor corrupts my PAR drive
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Date: Wed, 19 Jul 95 21:36:22 PDT
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Ivan, responding to himself (!), writes:
>>The data on my PAR disks often get corrupted
>>when using the Razor Pro SW. Does anyone else
>>have this problem.
>The guys at in:sync said that this was a overheat problem on my micropolis
>disk not the Razor SW... I guess their right... I'll put in an additional fan.
I've noticed on my PVR that both the drive AND the boards heat up like
So, I'm wondering if anybody has a line on those circuit cards that have
a couple o' muffin fans built into them. I've only seen them a couple
of times, but they're just the ticket for overheating, or even suspicious
hot cards.
I guess I'll also have to string a single muffin fan up near my drive.
Where would the power for that one come from?
>moeni@gete01.horten.geco-prakla.slb.com sent this message.